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Grouping slides together

PowerMerge repeats each slide that contains fields for each record on the data sheet when performing a Combined merge.

For example, imagine that your master presentation contains three slides to describe each product:

  • Slide 1 – Product description
  • Slide 2 – Product benefits
  • Slide 3 – Product features

After merging this presentation with a data sheet that contains two products, the result will look like this:

This is most likely not want you want. Instead, you want to have the Description, Benefits and Features of each product grouped together.

To achieve this result, all you have to do is to click on the ‘Keep with Next’ button on the ribbon tab of PowerMerge on Slides 1 and 2.

In effect, what you are doing is telling PowerMerge that you want to group together Slide 1, Slide 2 and Slide 3.

When you merge your presentation again, you will get the desired result:

Note that Keep with Next only is necessary on Combined merges. Presentations created with a Multiple merge will always maintain the resulting slides on the same order as they were in the master presentation.

See it in action

On this tutorial we enhance the house developer brochure presented on the previous tutorial, to include additional images for some of the house models.

We introduce two new concepts:

  • The ‘Keep with Next’ option to group together all information of each model, and
  • Conditional fields to remove empty slides if an image is missing. Conditional fields are described in detail in the next tutorial.